Two MBA Case Analyses (2016)

Below find two excellent case analyses from MBA students.  Remember to be prescriptive in your delivery.  Describe where you are taking the firm, why you are taking the firm in that direction and how are you going to get there. On the contrary, do not be descriptive, by simply reading your slides.  In fact, you should read nothing, not even the mission statement.  The entire presentation should be presented in a lively, engaging, and prescriptive manner.

The raw Excel Template files used to create the two student examples here are also included so you can manipulate the data to see how various items change. (only within the Excel files)  The students created two Excel Templates each (most likely one for Part I and one for Part II), as the Template’s development was not completed by me at this time. You only need one Excel File to complete your work for your entire presentation before transferring into Word, Power Point, PDF or whatever medium your professor requires.

A helpful hint, consider creating a separate legend for your BCG, IE, and other matrices containing bubbles and then name the respective bubbles, 1, 2, 3, etc.  This will help

To write a composition for college admissions is not as difficult as it is. Your ambition is to find the best essay topics which would suit you out and your composition is the tool you’ll be able to utilize to help you get acceptance to your favorite college. You have to choose the subject and then there are particular aspects that you have to consider, if you want to write in a genre that is different. Following that, you must decide what types of essays would be useful for you and what subjects would provide one of the feedback from the evaluators.

write essay for me to alleviate any jumbled effect of division names on your matrices.

Darden Restaurants

Regal Entertainment Group

Student Raw Excel Files (Not reviewed by me and saved by the name provided from students).  Please read 2nd paragraph above.

Darden Template New

Darden New Template Financials

Regal Financial Template 

Regal Financial – For EBIT-EPS